Eunice Christian Academy Handbook
We are so honored that you have chosen Eunice Christian Academy (ECA) to provide a Christian education for your child. We are dedicated to encouraging, equipping, and empowering your child to reach his/her full potential. This handbook lays out the expectations that we have for both parents and students. These guidelines are in place to ensure the very best educational experience for your family. Please note that these policies and procedures are subject to change as we grow and learn.
Eunice Christian Academy Mission Statement: At Eunice Christian Academy, our mission is to educate students for lifelong success and enrich their lives with Christian purpose
ECA does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, nationality, or ethnic origin in the administration of its educational policies and programs. Students are selected in order to maintain a student body of high academic and moral caliber. Admission is granted and vacancies are filled on the basis of academic achievement, prior performance in school, availability, and other pertinent information. Only families in good standing with previous schools or daycares are accepted.
Each student, once accepted and enrolled at ECA, is automatically on probation until he/she has completed his/her first semester of school (August - January). This implies that the student and the student’s family will display Christian character and lifestyle, as well as meet the expectations as outlined in this handbook regarding student exit policy, parent expectations, and the promotional policy.
ECA reserves the right to dis-enroll a student for the following reasons:
- Students and/or parents continuously exhibit behaviors or outwardly voice a mindset that is not in agreement with or conducive to our culture.
- Parental relationship with the school becomes unpleasant or insolent.
- Student is not able to successfully and independently meet the academic expectations as outlined in the promotional policy.
● Agree to be a positive voice on behalf of ECA to everyone I encounter in public. ● If an issue arises, agree to first address the situation with my child’s educator and, if necessary, the administration.
● Agree to maintain communication with our child’s educator, including checking assignment notebooks and/or folders nightly, and if necessary, contacting the educator with any questions I may have.
● Agree to be responsible for all financial obligations to the academy. ● Agree to provide quiet time and a place for studies.
● Agree to pray for our children and academy regularly, especially lifting up the educators and his/her specific class in prayer.
● Agree to hold my child accountable for their behavior -- When my child receives correction at the academy, they will receive correction at home.
Educating our students, with Christian purpose, is our top priority. As discussed during admission interviews, the Abeka curriculum is a fast paced, college prep curriculum. We ask that you stay involved by doing the following:
- Check Class Dojo daily for important information pertaining to assignments and/or behavior.
- In grades PreK-2, review students’ folders/binder nightly to stay informed on the skills they are learning in class.
- Develop study/review habits to reinforce what they have learned in school. We will rarely give written homework, however study and review is very beneficial.
- Reach out to your child’s teacher if you have questions about how or what they are doing in class.
- Let the teacher know when your child will be absent, and make every effort to keep up with what they have missed.
● Responsibility for one’s own actions is of the utmost importance to students, parents, and teachers at ECA. This is a learned behavior and is one of the principles necessary to maintain a strong Christ-centered approach to Christian education. Students develop character as they respond to authority, whether God or man’s.
● A child’s first encounter with authority is at home; therefore, ECA firmly holds to the premise that the basic authority for discipline and responsibility resides within the home.
● Students are to be encouraged to display Christ-like conduct by following the directions of teachers and other faculty members, by demonstrating courtesy to all, and by exercising self-control in their behavior.
● The purpose for discipline is to change errant behavior and teach the students to be productively in charge of themselves. Discipline is a process that takes time and cooperation.
One of our core values is to instill in each student a standard of excellence in behavior. Each student is given an opportunity to practice Christ-like character. We measure this by using the “Fruit of the Spirit” (Galatians 5:22-23) as our guide. In the event that an incident occurs that a child does not display love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, or self-control, students will be held accountable in the following progression of consequences:
1st step - verbal warnings, reminders, and reteaching of correct behavior
2nd step - classroom consequences (varies by teacher) - possible reflection time at recess or lunch.
3rd step - conference with administration, possible Think Sheet (write up) filled out and sent home to be signed, possible corporal punishment (with parental consent), or 1-2 days of in-school or out-of-school suspension (explained below), or a combination of these consequences.
***Please note - the 3rd step can be enforced automatically for:
- intentional, forceful, physical action toward another student or staff member
- vulgar language
- vulgar gestures
- rude and defiant behavior
Grades PreK-2: Students receiving 3 Think Sheets within a semester or 6 Think Sheets throughout the school year will receive out-of-school suspension. Once a student receives a 7th Think Sheet, they will be considered for expulsion.
Grades 3-8: Students receiving 2 Think Sheets within a semester or 5 Think Sheets throughout the school year will receive out-of-school suspension. Once a student receives a 6th Think Sheet, they will be considered for expulsion.
IN-SCHOOL SUSPENSION - students will be assigned physical tasks to complete during recess and P.E. time (examples include, but are not limited to: helping clean the interior or exterior of the school, helping serve and clean during lunch shifts, etc).
OUT-OF-SCHOOL SUSPENSION - students will be suspended from ECA campus for 1-3 days, depending on severity of actions and decided upon by administration.
Parental contact will be made for all suspensions.
During an out of school suspension a student is not permitted to attend class or school functions. Zeros (regarding school work) may be given in all classes missed.
● Cheating, copying the work of another student, or allowing others to copy. ● Leaving school or field trips without permission.
● Insubordinate behavior
● Committing robbery or theft.
● Damaging or vandalizing property owned by the school, school employees, or others.
● Fighting
● Committing, or threatening physical abuse
● Name-calling, ethnic or racial slurs, or derogatory statements that may disrupt the school environment.
● Wearing inappropriate, suggestive, or immodest clothes at school. (when not wearing school uniforms).
● Initiating offensive conduct of a sexual nature, whether verbal or physical.
● Possessing any controlled substance, dangerous drug, or alcoholic beverage.
● Possessing any weapon on the school campus or at any school related activity
that is prohibited by law or by school policy, including a firearm, knife, etc.
● Smoking, possessing, or using tobacco products, including but not limited to cigarettes, cigars, pipes, snuff, or chewing tobacco, on school premises or at school-related functions.
● Possessing electronic and communication devices, including pagers, IPADs and cellular phones.
● Possessing or taking prescription drugs without written parental permission.
● Engaging in any conduct constituting felony criminal mischief as defined by law.
Corporal Punishment
In determining whether to use corporal punishment, the following considerations should be taken into account: the seriousness of the offense, the attitude and past behavior of the student, the age and strength of the student, and the availability of equally effective nonphysical means of discipline.
Corporal punishment may not be administered for academic deficiency or conduct not related to the school.
Corporal punishment must be approved by the school administrator. Corporal punishment may be administered by the school administrator/Director, Pastor, or by educationally certified employees designated by the school administrator. One adult employee of the school shall be present to witness the spanking.
Parental/Guardian permission slips approving corporal punishment must be on file prior to administering corporal punishment. A parent/guardian of the student shall be notified prior to administering corporal punishment and will be invited to witness the administration of the punishment.
Corporal punishment will be administered by spanking the buttocks, no more than three (3) times, of a student with a flat-surfaced paddle that will cause no more than temporary pain and not inflict permanent damage to the body. No other form of corporal punishment is authorized.
● A request for a withdrawal form is to be completed by the parent in the administrative office.
● At least two days are to be allowed for the office to obtain grades and the necessary signatures.
If you withdraw from ECA before the end of the school year you will still be required to finish your tuition payments for the immediate school year.
Exceptions that will be made:
-Child becomes very ill and cannot physically return back to school. (doctors note must be presented)
-Family moves out of the Acadiana area. (proof of new residence)
***Transcripts will be held until financial account is cleared by the office.
Monday – Friday
8:00 AM - 2:45 PM
- Morning car line drop off will start at 7:30 AM. Students have to be dropped off no later than 8:00 AM. Students will be considered tardy after 8:00 AM. Drop off will be located at the south entrance under the awning. Parents are welcome to park and walk their students into the building on the first day of school only. For every day following, please remain in the car drop off line.
- Afternoon car line starts at 2:45 PM. If a parent does not arrive by 3:15 PM, a $10.00 charge will be added to your students account. Please refrain from parking and coming in to pick up your child. This is for the safety of our students. There will be an additional place for you to pull over and buckle car seats if needed.
- Anyone picking up a student must have a car tag. Otherwise, that person will be asked to park and come into the school to sign the student out. *Exceptions can be made only if a parent sends written consent or messages administration prior to the child being picked up.
Although we are a private school, we are still obligated to adhere to truancy laws. In order to ensure fidelity to these regulations, the attendance policy is as follows:
Students are considered tardy after 8:00 AM. Checkouts are not allowed after 2:30.
- After 3 unexcused tardies/early checkouts, parents will receive a pink slip.
- After 6 unexcused tardies/early checkouts, parents will receive a second pink slip and a fine of $50. Fine will be charged at every third unexcused
- Please notify the school by phone call or message the teacher by 8:30 AM, if your child will be absent and the reason for absence.
- Excused tardy = doctor’s excuse
- Excused early checkout = doctor’s excuse, school calls for student to be picked up due to illness or injury
Students are expected to be in school all day, every day.
● Students are to check in and out only in an emergency, when ill, or for an authorized doctor’s appointment.
● Once students arrive on campus, they are to remain on the elementary campus.
● Students must be checked out by their legal guardian anytime they leave the school campus.
● When a student has a scheduled doctor’s or dentist’s appointment, the parent should call the office in advance or write a note so the teacher will be informed and arrangements will be made for the child to check out.
● If a student is too ill to remain in class (fever, vomiting, or diarrhea), he/she is to wait in the office while a parent is contacted and remain there until picked up. While we recognize the difficulty a parent has in leaving work, it is imperative that a parent or the designated responsible adult picks up a sick child immediately. (Adult must be on the “Guardian/Parent Approval List”.)
● Students who arrive after 8:00 a.m. must check-in at the student office.
● Any time class is missed because of a check-in or check-out, the student is considered “absent”. The student must bring a doctor’s excuse to their teacher, upon returning to school if applicable.
Anyone checking a student out must be on the noted “approval” list and must show a valid ID. If a person is not listed they will not be permitted to check students out, no exceptions. A parent or guardian must add names of approval for pick up and checkout in person.
● Students bringing required prescription medication to school must leave it in the office, and fill out the appropriate paperwork.
● The medication must be clearly labeled in its original container, with the student’s name, doctor, and dosage requirement.
● Medication should not be sent to school with the children. It is the parent’s responsibility to bring in medication to be checked in.
● The parent’s written permission will be required before the student is permitted to consume the medication during school hours.
● The medication will be taken by the student in the office according to the directions on the prescription.
● Nonprescription medication such as Tylenol, Benadryl, Pepto Bismol, etc. will not be given to students without written permission for each specific situation.
● If a student becomes seriously ill at school-fever of 100 or more, vomiting, diarrhea, or contagious illness, the school will contact a parent/guardian immediately.
● In the case that the parent cannot be reached, the emergency number listed on the student enrollment form will be contacted. We will make the child as comfortable as possible until the parent arrives.
● Please note that district and health policies require that students with certain contagious conditions/illnesses (lice, fever, diarrhea, vomiting, chicken pox, measles) be sent home and remain at home until a doctor’s note is presented to the office giving permission for the student to return to school.
● A child must be fever (without use of Tylenol), vomit, and diarrhea free for 24 hours before returning back to school.
- Masks are allowed, but not mandated
- Temperatures will be taken periodically. If temperature remains at 100 degrees after two separate readings, students will be sent home
- Rooms will be sanitized thoroughly at the end of each day.
● In case of an accident or injury, the school will notify the parent and describe the extent of the injury.
● If the parent cannot be reached, the emergency contact person will be called. If the injury is minor, the student will be allowed to stay in school. Students with more serious injuries should be taken home or to receive medical attention.
● Although parents and other visitors are welcome to visit ECA, all school visitors including parents, must register with the office before entering the classroom.
● Visits to individual classrooms during instructional time shall be permitted with approval from a school administrator. Such visits are encouraged if the duration or frequency does not interfere with instruction or disrupt the normal school environment.
● Conferences with teachers during the school day, 8:00 A.M.—2:45 P.M. must be scheduled with your student’s teacher.
● In the case of a general emergency in which school may be called off due to weather or other circumstances, ECA will notify parents in a timely manner. Please stay tuned to Facebook or GroupMe announcements.
● In the event of a non-emergency school cancellation, school administrators will advise parents and students as early as possible.
- Students will not have school on one Friday each month. This is the time when the entire staff meets together to plan events, share ideas and strategies, and pour into each other so that we can pour into our students. Those particular Fridays will be marked on the school calendar. If there is a change in the date throughout the year, we will always notify parents well in advance.
● All students must average a final average of 73% or better in both Math and English Language Arts, in order to be promoted to the next grade level.
ACADEMICS: Eunice Christian Academy follows the scope and sequence of the Abeka curriculum for all core subjects over the entire school year consisting of two, eighteen week semesters.
A 100-92
B 91-83
C 82-74
D 73-65
F 64-0
● Homework will be minimal and purposeful.
- Teachers will communicate homework, tests, etc consistently.
- Parents and students will actively monitor assignments and contact the teacher directly, should there be any questions or concerns.
It is imperative that the school office be notified immediately of changes of address, home or office telephone numbers, emergency information, or change in custody/guardianship during the academic year.
Louisiana law requires students to attend school for a certain number of days to be promoted to the next grade and earn credit for a course. According to the law, students must attend school from age 7 to 18 or until they graduate from high school. Students are required to attend regularly to earn credit and be eligible for promotion to the next grade.
When a student is absent, their absence falls under three different categories:
- Exempted and Excused - the student is allowed to make up the missed work and the absence is not counted against the attendance requirement. Example: extended illness documented by a doctor. Doctor’s excuses from relatives are not valid.
- Non-exempt and Excused: the student is allowed to make up the missed work but the absence is counted against the attendance requirement. An example is personal or family illness documented by a parent’s note. The number of non-exempt and excused absences is based on the number of school days offered. Based on our number of days, a student can be absent 10 days in the school year.
- Unexcused: the student is not allowed to make up the missed work and the absence is counted against the attendance requirement. Some examples are skipping school to stay at a relative’s home or going on vacation.
- Once a student has reached 5 excused or unexcused absences (category 2 or 3), a pink slip will be sent home as documentation and parent meeting will be held, if necessary.
- Once a student has reached 11 excused or unexcused absences (category 2 or 3), a meeting will be held to determine that scholar’s eligibility to remain enrolled at Eunice Christian Academy.
There are 2 different options to purchase uniforms. Sunsports (Eunice), A+ uniforms (Crowley) You can also find polos and black bottoms at Walmart and Children’s Place. Just make sure you are buying the correct YELLOW if you purchase outside of the two options above.
Black or khaki uniform pants (no cargo pants)
White, black, or yellow polo with ECA emblem
Black or khaki shorts
White or black button down shirt
Spirit shirt
Black or white socks
***Neutral color close toe shoes (black, white, brown, grey)
Plaid shorts (no other short color)
Plaid, black, or khaki skirt
Plaid, black, or khaki jumper
Black or khaki uniform pants (must have pockets)
White, black, or yellow polo with ECA emblem
Spirit shirt
Black or white socks
****Neutral color close toe shoes (black,
white, brown, grey)
black, white, grey, Cardigan
Black, white or grey Blazer
black white or grey jacket
Black, white, grey, or ECA hoodie (no other hoodies allowed)
*Heavy winter coats do not have to be a neutral color.
A + uniforms in Crowley carries our plaid for the girls (#84) You will need to go before July to get what you need before they sell out (per their manager)
Sunsports is the ONLY place we would like for our ECA emblem to be sewn on our uniforms. This will keep our graphic consistent on each shirt or outer wear. There is a 15% discount.
Clean, neatly shaped, dry and combed
No unnatural coloring
Hair fashions that are extreme or call attention to student are not allowed
Free shirt only. Uniform bottoms must be worn.
*All dress, hair, jewelry, make-up, etc. is subject to administrative approval
- Each student will be asked to bring their own lunch and drink every day. In addition, please pack at least one snack for your child to have during recess.
- Students will need a refillable water bottle to use for the water dispenser during the day.
- Only water is allowed throughout the day (no flavored water, sports drinks, kool aid, juice,etc). Students may bring other types of drinks for lunch only, but no soda is allowed.
- Please try to limit the amount of sugary foods (for example - candy) packed in lunches and snacks. This has a huge effect on students’ ability to function and focus throughout the day.
- Fast food lunches are not allowed.
- Birthday celebrations are always allowed. Parents are welcomed to send treats, cake, cupcakes, drinks, etc for students to celebrate with their classmates.
- If you are sending personal party invitations to school, please send enough for either all of the students in the class or for all students of the same gender. Otherwise, please make personal contacts for party invites.
Tuition and Fees:
Pay full tuition and fees by August 1st
Two semester payments payable 1/2 tuition by August 1st and 1/2 tuition by December 15th
July, October, January, and April tuition payments due
$400 per student ( for 12 months) $4,800
$375 for each additional child in family (for 12 months) $ 4,500
- $400 Curriculum, books, supplies, and tests for the entire year
- $50 "Beyond the Book Fee"
- $200 Enrollment Payment (holds spot)
- $55 Standardized Testing Fee
- School uniforms
- School T-shirts (optional)
- School pictures (optional)
- Lunch and afternoon snacks (daily)
- Field Trips
I am responsible for the monthly tuition and I am aware of the annual totals. If you withdraw from ECA at any time before the end of the school year without one of the exceptions listed above in the student handbook, you will be responsible for the remaining tuition balance owed on account. Any account that becomes 10 days past due will be charged a $50 late payment fee. A $20 processing fee will be charged if you change your payment method or payment schedule at any time during the semester.
7 Core Values:
1. Pursue Christ
2. Honor All
3. Forgive and Be Forgiven
4. Embody integrity
5. Serve Big
6. Live with excellence
7. Discover purpose
1. Pursue Christ
● Accept Jesus Christ as the only way of salvation
● Develop a personal relationship with Him through daily prayer and Bible study ● Get involved with a Bible-believing church and connect with a spiritual mentor ● Discover God’s plan for you and live it out “whole-heartedly”
2. Honor ALL
● Respect all authority whether you agree or disagree
● Value each person as God’s unique design
● Prefer others interests above your own by supporting them and celebrating their success
● Listen when others speak
● Speak well of others
● Use good manners
● Observe the style of other effective leaders
● Participate in leadership positions at ECA and other places in your life ● Be willing to accept constructive criticism from others
● Develop the potential and gifts in others
● Set a good example
3. Forgive and be Forgiven
● Show others the same grace you would want to be shown
● Take responsibility and always be the first to apologize
4. Embody integrity
● Keep your word and commitments
● Always tell the truth
● Deal fairly with others
● Complete all tasks on your own or with the help of others without stealing their ideas or property
● Do the right thing even when no one is watching
5. Serve BIG
● See a need around you and help meet that need
● Serve the ECA family and your own family
● Volunteer to help in student service projects
● Discover your passion in ministry and support it
● Help and give to mission projects
6. Live with excellence
● Represent Christ well
● Be the kind of friend that you want to have
● Value and invest in relationships
● Master the basics of education–reading, math, and written and oral communication
● Perform diligently in the classroom, extracurricular activities, and assigned tasks ● Maintain excellent health: exercise, eat right, get enough sleep, and live with balance
● Take responsibility
● Be responsible for your strengths and weaknesses without excuses ● Be punctual
● Pay attention to detail
● Conduct yourself professionally and honestly in all of your endeavors ● Work hard without complaint in both good and difficult times
● Finish well
7. Discover Purpose
● Know who you are in Christ
● Discover your strengths and work on weaknesses
Eunice Christian Academy After Care
Monday – Friday 2:45 – 5:30
Children must be picked up by 5:30pm. Please be prompt, tardiness places a burden on our staff.
A charge of $3 per minute( per child) late picking child(ren) up will be issued, unless the parent has a good reason which will be determined by the Aftercare Director.
Pick up policy:
For the safety of our children, parents will be required to sign their child out upon departure each day.
If someone other than a parent or legal guardian is allowed to pick up your child, the name of that person should be indicated on the registration form. Notification in writing should be submitted if someone other than a designated person will be picking up your child.
To register you must plan to pay a minimum of 3 days a week, which is $120 a month. We have 20 spots available for aftercare. The spots will be filled according to the time that the registration fee is paid.
Registration Fee:
A non-refundable registration fee of $50.00 per child is required to hold your child's spot in our after care program. (this fee will purchase snacks, drinks, activities, and games)
Payment options:
Payments have to be paid the first week of every month.
OPTION 1: 5 days a week: first child $200 for the month
Discounted for Second and third child $120 for the month
OPTION 2: Minimum 3 days a week: $120 for the month
(No discount for multiple children with this option)
Payments will be auto drafted the beginning of each month. If you decide you no longer need aftercare at any point you will need to let the office know at least two weeks before the auto draft so it can be canceled.
***This price will be prorated during the Christmas holiday.
Late payment:
There will be a fee if there are insufficient funds of $25.00 due to the fact that the bank will charge us.
Weekly Schedule:
2:45 students arrive
2:45-3:00 snack time.
After snack we will clean up and play outside til 4:00
( depending on weather,)
4:00-Bathroom and hydrate
4:15-5:00 Activities
5:00 daily “chores” help clean up around campus.
5:30 end of the day.
Snacks will be provided. We welcome parents to donate snacks if they would like.
Cell Phones:
Discipline procedures:
Our staff strives to create an environment that encourages good behavior. When a child is not behaving appropriately, staff will:
FIRST - Redirect the child with positive encouragement
SECOND – If redirection fails, the child will be put into a short time out from the activity.
Parents will be notified upon pick up.
THIRD – If the inappropriate behavior continues, the child, staff and director will
meet for discussion. Parents will be notified upon pick up.
Holiday/Vacation Policy:
During all holidays that ECA is closed, the AfterCare Program will be closed as well. The AfterCare Program will also be closed during all school vacations and teacher training days.
If you have any comments, questions, or concerns, please communicate them to the After care Director Evelyn Ashford. (337-***-****)
After care Staff
All staff members are expected to be energetic, creative and sensitive to the needs of the children. All staff must model and teach the values and goals pursuant to ECA’s philosophy. All workers are CPR certified. Criminal background checks have been conducted on all staff and administrators.